It seems to be natural for humans to always be working towards self-improvement. Walk into any major bookstore, and you’ll see countless books telling you how to improve everything from your health, wealth and wellbeing to your career, looks, and sex life.
In 2020, my life as I knew it changed. Most people could say the same, but for me, it was due to my health.
I often find myself thinking it’s an interesting and amazing time to be alive. This crazy world of ours is full of magic and wonder. It’s also full of lessons, and I’m always learning new things.
I bet most people think of the word NO as being restrictive, as shutting something down or blocking something out. Well, I’m here to tell you how the art of saying NO allows you to say YES to your best life.
I wanted to share some thoughts on being human and how easy it can be to ‘punish’ yourself using spirituality. This is a conversation with a great friend Kamala Mann who is the voice of Centred Soul.
Today’s interview was filmed at the end of last year and yet is sooo relevant for today. Interview with Julia Wells of Wait…WTF podcast.
The word of the day to support you in developing your intuition is ‘noonchi.’
Today’s video speaks to the power of relating as a strong women to a man in a healthy way. Women often forget how powerful you can be when you are having a conversation with a man. Equally, men can be dismissive of the power of talking with respect to a women … we are going have a chat about this in today’s episode.
I feel intuition is the most important asset you can have. Listening to your inner voice and taking the prompts of what that voice is suggesting seems to always guide things the best.
Before you make any choices, have you ever noticed how when you meditate the answer to your question becomes clearer? Is there a reason for that?