Today's blog guides you through transforming 'Shoulda-Woulda-Coulda' regrets into resilience. Delve into life's rich tapestry of experiences and discover how to honour your unique journey. It's about turning unexpected curves into valuable wisdom while celebrating the ever-evolving narrative of your life.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood … the enchanting scenario created in the beautiful poem by Robert Frost - ‘The Road Not Taken’ serves as a metaphor which encourages us to take the path less travelled in life.Taking the path less travelled is a brave and bold move that, as the poet tells you, can “Make all the difference”. But how do you know which path to take in life; which of your senses are guiding you like Robert Frost in that yellow wood. It’s moments like this that, I think, take you beyond the physical senses and into the realm of Intuition. 
For anyone new here, intuition is kind of my thing. As a bona fide intuition aficionado, I’ve been working on the connection with my own inner compass and aiding others in forging connections with theirs for decades. But for some people, understanding intuition is a relatively new concept. 
Do you remember show and tell when you were a kid at school? You know, when everyone would bring an item in, and then you’d stand in front of the class and talk about the thing you brought in (the ‘tell’ bit), and then you’d pass the thing around so everyone got a look (the ‘show’ part)? I always enjoyed the showing more than the telling. It’s all well and good to have something explained to you, but I always preferred to see the thing for myself.
Literacy, as in the ability to read and write, is taught to most of us from a young age, but how many of you are aware of your emotional literacy? This has nothing to do with knowing your ABCs and everything to do with knowing your ‘how I feels’. (That worked in my head.)
As you probably know, I love to read. And while I love discovering new things to read, I love to re-read and re-read my favourites. One of those books I re-read a little of each day is Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.In it, he wrote, ‘Rather than assume it’s impossible because you find it hard, recognise that if it’s humanly possible, you can do it too.’
I love to read, and one of my favourite books is The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson. In it, Mark explains three categories people fall into: Givers, Takers, and Matchers.You’re probably wondering what those are, so here’s a quick rundown:
What do you think of when you hear the word ‘pleasure’? Do you think of fluffy blankets, delicious meals with friends, a good film? Or do you think of pleasure as being something a bit naughty, slightly scandalous, or something you might get in trouble for?
Today, I am going to focus on supporting you to ‘Settle In’ to your space, your home zone. Your home is your sanctuary, where you recharge and refresh yourself, so it’s worth making sure your environment is a sweet and pleasant place to be.
I used to book my day solid from 5 am to 11 pm. I’d include 20-minute breaks, but it was a fully structured day. No space for anything extra. But, as I’m sure you know, unfortunately, life has other plans, and there is always something extra.