Today you and I are going to explore Navigating the Overwhelm of Social Media and the impact that can have on your wellbeing … the social scroll can, after all, be a noisy place, with videos vying for your attention left and right!

And while social media offers numerous benefits, like connecting with friends, sharing special moments, and staying informed, it can also bring about a sense of overwhelm and have adverse effects on your inner peace, leaving you feeling swamped and disconnected from reality.

Let’s explore the various aspects of social media overwhelm and its impact on your life.

Firstly, let’s discuss the rabbit hole that is the “Endless Scroll”. Have you ever found yourself saying, “I have a few minutes; let’s see what’s happening online,” only to realise that those ‘few minutes’ turned into hours?

Why is that? Well this is where dopamine comes into play. Social media platforms, much like casinos, are expertly crafted to keep you engaged. The more you scroll, the more dopamine your brain releases. The catch? Your brain adapts, requiring you to seek another ‘hit,’ leading you into a cycle of never-ending scrolling and a fragmented attention span.

Secondly, let’s talk about the infamous ‘highlight reel effect’: 

Social media almost always presents an idealised version of life, that is heavily edited and filtered. Of course I get it. It’s fun to post a beach photo, even if it’s from 2 years ago. No one wants to put up pictures carrying shopping in the rain!

Although you rationally know that everyone’s inside lives are as messy as your own, you still might notice yourself measuring your whole life against the ‘perfect’ snapshots of others.

Sadly, this perfectly polished version of people actually makes them unrelatable, and that can make it difficult for them – and you – to be emotionally vulnerable and connect in a meaningful way. There is pressure to maintain a perfect image rather than sharing struggles and seeking support. 

The next danger in Social Media Overwhelm is that relying too heavily on social media can reduce opportunities for face-to-face interactions. Vital non-verbal cues, such as tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language are often lost in digital communication. These cues are crucial for building trust and emotional intimacy. They’re also key for maintaining your keenly developed internal skills for ‘bullshit’ detection!

This is how you can end up following someone who appears flawless on camera but whose real-life advice comes from a messy emotional foundation. Meeting them in person would reveal the truth!

The social media trap has physical repercussions too. Repetitive strain in your hands and thumbs, as well as tightness in your neck and upper back often occurs from extended phone use and poor posture. 

As you manage your social media time, it’s vital to address all the issues I’ve mentioned. Your inner BS detector will be better the clearer you are in your body, incorporating bodywork to release stuck fascia will support your development of these spidey senses. If you’re uncertain about fascia release, check out my series “Fascia and Feelings” on Youtube, and find an area you know you struggle with tightness and see how it can help you. 

In conclusion, while social media is a powerful tool, being aware of its pitfalls empowers you to embrace a more balanced, healthier lifestyle. Remember, life is too fabulous to be spent mindlessly scrolling. Go out there and create real in body experiences that matter to you and those you care about!

I’d love to hear what steps you take to make sure you avoid Social Media Overwhelm – comment below, and send a link to a friend or family member who you think could do with a digital detox!

As always, I remain a cheerleader for your inner self-worth,

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